1. Plug the USB storage device into the Desktop system
2. Check if the system had detected the storage device [Basic]
PS: 在display message 中就會出現類似以上的訊息, 包含容量, 規格, 及分割區訊息
* Unix or Unix like 的作業系統都會主動把磁碟區位置映設到特定的目錄上頭
EX: Pen drive 的磁碟機 + 分割區1, 在這可能被識別為
/dev/sdb1 [磁碟機名稱 + 分割區號碼]
3. Check if the system had detected the storage device [Advanced]
ls /dev/disk/by-id /dev/disk/by-path /dev/disk/by-uuid
PS: 除了driver information 可以得到資料外, 我們也可以從/dev/disk 目錄下頭得到storage device相關的資訊
4. Mount the storage device automatically and then list the folder data
PS: 系統自動掛載的磁碟分割區會被映設在/media/[名字取決於其uuid]
5. Mount the storage device into the system manually
PS: 若不知道有幾個分割區, 可以在打完磁碟區後按下Tab 鍵連續兩次, OS就會秀出有幾個分割區可供掛載
6. Check if the storage device had been mounted
df | tail -1
7. Un-mount the storage device safely
umount /dev/sdb1
PS: 不建議使用 umount –a 選項去un-mount device, 因為用這方式容易把非相關的裝置一起安全移除XD